My partner has been writing an awesome series on “Creativity Killers.” Each and every one dead on as to their effects on an organization’s ability to be creative. Fred and I both agree that most organization’s wield these “weapons” too often with much success — even when they profess to be an organization that embraces innovation and change.
For many years we have worked with clients on the need to create a strong creative culture — one that embraces those who go outside the status quo. Last night I picked up a book (Orbiting the Giant Hairball) from the man who taught me much about creative thinking and how to not get caught up in the “hairball” — Gordon McKenzie.
As the creative guru and and professed burr-under-the-saddle at Hallmark Cards while I was there in the late 80’s/early 90’s, he provided me with great insights on stretching “paradigms” to include things that are uncomfortable but good. (I highly recommend the book for yourself, your team and, most importantly, your boss!)
So, in honor of Mr. Gordon McKenzie, with a little bit of Talking Heads thrown in for good measure….I thought a parallel series on “Creative Kindling or Burning Down the House!” was in order.
And, if you have creative kindling you would like to share, let me know. I am always open to new ideas!