We disclose any known connections that could reasonably be perceived as a conflict of interest or as background that could be coloring the opinions presented within the body of the post. This includes information about clients or past clients, family connections, financial implications or work being done in tandem with other bloggers.
If FrogBlog receives financial incentives for publishing opinions about any given subject this will be disclosed clearly at the top of the post. This has not occurred and there are no plans for this to occur in the foreseeable future.
If a product is mentioned that was received for free or on loan for review, this information will be disclosed.
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Ads by Google are clearly identified and can drive revenue for FrogBlog. Google determines ad content based on what is posted, however, we do not adjust content to try and drive advertising revenue. (To be honest, Google ads are part of this blog more as an experiment than for any expectation of revenue.) Because this is standard practice for publications on the internet disclosure within each affected post is not considered necessary.